Rachel Schulz, RDH
"I recommend your product to the majority of my patients. I think it's awesome . . . Thank you for making an awesome tool!"
Daniel Endrizal, DDS - Ft Myers, FL, Orthodontics Exclusively
"We encourage all patients to use ShowerFloss. Orthodontic appliances cause gingival irritation and make oral hygiene difficult. We noticed improved hygiene and reduced gingival inflammation in most patients."
John Y Kwan, DDS - Oakland, CA, Diplomat of the American Board of Periodontology
"I have found that water irrigation as an adjunct to routine brushing and flossing can be a significant factor in maintaining periodontal health. For many, flossing is problematic, and for patients with periodontal compromises, flossing subgingivally has its limitations. The ShowerFloss is the most economical and practical way to use water irrigation as a way to enhance dental and periodontal health."
Janie Wirth
"My dentist sold me a ShowerFloss in 1992 and it is the BEST flossing device I have ever used! I LOVE using it in the shower vs. at the sink...how ingenious and practical!! I can’t live without it!
What an awesome gift of good dental health! Thank you very much!" -
Janice Propcheck, RDH, BS, EF - Parker, CO, Hygiene Innovations
"We have over 35 years of experience and feel ShowerFloss is the ultimate dental hygiene device. Hundreds of our patients use it daily with positive results seen clinically. Patient compliance is no longer a problem."
Phil Kenreich
"I love my ShowerFloss! Had it for years. It works very well getting stuff out of my teeth that is difficult at best to get with regular floss. Great product! Thank you!"
Julie - Destin, FL
"Thank you for the follow-up. I am enjoying your product and I, in fact, did receive a much improved recent checkup with my dentist. I continue to use the ShowerFloss each morning and I have recommended this product to all of my friends and family."
Simple, Universal, Essential and Affordable
ShowerFloss is one of those products that makes people think, "What a great idea!" As long as people take showers, there will always be a need for ShowerFloss. It is so affordable, and the potential health benefits so enormous, that ShowerFloss should be in every shower! Can you afford to not ShowerFloss?
Change the Way You Floss
ShowerFloss - Complete Unit
ShowerFloss Products
ShowerFloss is the ultimate flossing device. Recommended by thousands of dentists and...